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NAMEC and CME Industry Related News.

  • 25 Sep 2019 11:52 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    A new article has been published titled "Massive open online courses (MOOCs) for continuing medical education – why and how?".  The abstract text can be found below.

    Abstract: Continuing medical education (CME) is meant to not only improve clinicians’ knowledge and skills but also lead to better patient care processes and outcomes. The delivery of CME should be able to encourage the health providers to accept new evidence-based practices, and discard or discontinue less effective care. However, continuing use of expensive yet least effective and inappropriate tools and techniques predominates for CME delivery. Hence, the evidence shows a disconnect between evidence-based recommendations and real-world practice – borne out by less than optimal patient outcomes or treatment targets not being met especially in low- to middle-income countries. There is an ethical and professional obligation on CME-providers and decision-makers to safeguard that CME interventions are appraised not only for their quality and effectiveness but also for cost-effectiveness. The process of learning needs to be engaging, convenient, user-friendly and of minimal cost, especially where it is most needed. Today’s technology permits these characteristics to be integrated, along with further enhancement of the engagement process. We review the literature on the mechanics of CME learning that utilizes today’s technology tools and propose a framework for more engaging, efficient and cost-effective approach that implements massive open online courses for CME, adapted for the twenty-first century.

    If you would like to see the entire article it can be found here.

  • 11 Sep 2019 9:26 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    CME web castingI was eager to share observations in advance of October’s Digital Transformation EXPO Europe 2019 about technology and how it has revolutionized the way people and companies operate.

    It is an understatement to say technology has transformed the world as we know it. Smart organizations remain curious about finding new ways to leverage technology to drive results both internally and externally.

    These technological-driven changes have significantly altered perceptions and expectations of both the “work experience” and the “customer experience.” This evolution has brought us to the cusp of new experiences supported by new and emerging technologies. With this shift, organizations must contemplate what technologies will have the most significant impact on both their businesses and their teams. Then, they must determine how to use these technologies to elevate enterprise communication effectively and drive results.

    The emergence of the mobile workforce has required organizations to revisit their structures and implement new systems. These systems must support working anytime and from anywhere as mobile working is more the norm than the exception. And employees need to collaborate with their teams no matter where they are.

    Concurrently, advanced solutions, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, mobile interactions and live streaming, are helping to elevate communication and digital interactions to be more intelligent, seamless and even more human. This is particularly important for customer-facing implementations. Customers want communication to be immediate and contextual. They will judge businesses on their inability to meet this golden rule.

    Technology is no longer a buzzword: By tapping into the latest technology, organizations can more efficiently and more confidently navigate the ever-expanding number of digital channels and touch points while creating contextual and enjoyable experiences for everyone.

    Article submitted by Mark Robert, PGi’s CMO.

    View additional PGi Materials on Webcasts, Meetings, Event Services, Webinars, and VRC

    Contact PGi about NAMEC member pricing.

  • 10 Sep 2019 7:55 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) has invited NAMEC members to share with your colleagues how your CME Program is transforming practice and care at the ACCME 2020 MeetingCall for Proposals is open and accepting the following submission types:

    ·       Share Your CME Story

    ·       Inspire & Teach: Propose a Session

    ·       CME Effectiveness & Best Practices: Engaging in CME Research

    Go to for more information, including a downloadable ACCME 2020 Meeting Call for Proposals Information Sheet with the rules and details for submission, as well as a recording of the ACCME’s July 10th Informational Webinar.  

    The deadline for submissions is midnight on Friday, September 13, 2019.

  • 06 Sep 2019 3:21 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is preparing a new assessment option as part of their maintenance of certification (MOC) process. 

    The new option will allow physicians to take more frequent but shorter tests online.  The ABIM is terming this the "longitudinal assessment option for Maintenance of Certification (MOC)". 

    The goal of this change is to respond to feedback from physicians that the MOC process be more flexible with more choices to retain the certification.  The traditional (aka long-form) assessment remains an option. 

    Defined by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) as "Longitudinal assessment draws on the principles of adult learning combined with modern technology to promote learning, retention, and transfer of information. These approaches involve administering shorter assessments of specific content, such as medical knowledge, repeatedly over a period of time. Through a recurring examination process, concepts and information are reinforced so that knowledge is retained and accumulated gradually. Knowledge gained in this fashion can be more readily retrieved and applied to various situations." reports:

    "The MOC process has been controversial among doctors. One survey last year found 65% of physicians said MOC adds no clinical value to the practice of medicine. Almost 55% of respondents said they want to see those controversial MOC requirements revoked, while 48.5% said they would prefer more continuing medical education hours to replace the current MOC recertification process."

    You can view ABIM's letter to members here that appears to be their attempt to counter this dissatisfaction.

  • 04 Sep 2019 11:17 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    We came across an article comparing Netflix to current advances in medical education. Specifically, according to the article found at [link], they were discussing the GIBLIB company's online streaming platform for medical education.  GIBLIB uses 360 degree virtual reality video content. 

    "GIBLIB recently announced a partnership with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to deliver the first ever Continuing Medical Education (CME) accredited course filmed exclusively in 360-degree virtual reality."

    This article is very specific to this one company, and doubtless there are other companies doing similar work.  But it is always good to monitor what the competition is doing and to be prepared to respond. 

  • 30 Aug 2019 9:27 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    CME is an industry rooted in change, a profession that calls upon our abilities to recognize and address new challenges. It requires us to utilize our intellect, our diligence, and our creativity. NAMEC believes that each of these elements should be acknowledged. NAMEC congratulates the 2018 award winners for Best Practices in CME.  The recipients were recognized at the NAMEC Annual Meeting, held during the ACEHP Conference January 23 – 26, 2019, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.

    NAMEC Best Practice in Enduring Material Educational Design: pmiCME for "Curriculum Learning through a ConnectED CME/CE Series"

    NAMEC Best Practice in Learner Outcomes: Projects in Knowledge for "Rheumatoid Arthritis @Point of Care"

    NAMEC Best Practice in Live Activity Educational Design: Paradigm Medical Communications for "Paving a Path to Relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: Live Patient Simulations Demonstrating Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment"

    NAMEC Best Practice in Innovative Educational Methods: CME Outfitters for "HBV is Not a Game: Or Is It? Optimizing Your Approach to HBV Management"

    NAMEC Best Practice in Innovative Educational Methods: Global Education Group for "Advanced Trauma Training"

    NAMEC Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders: Global Education Group for "Overactive Bladder: Adopting a Patient-Centered Approach to Improve Outcomes and Quality of Life—The OAB Learning Center"

    NAMEC Brian P. Russell Exemplary CME Professional Award: Phil Talamo, CHCP

    NAMEC appreciates all members and companies who submitted for consideration of these awards.  The 2019 Best Practices awards will be requested later this year and we encourage your company to become a member if there is a project you feel could be an award winner.

  • 30 Aug 2019 8:21 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    MIPS scores from 2017 are now publicly available. Anyone who looks these scores up can now see how well a particular physician/practice did.

    What is MIPS? A quick reminder that MIPS stands for "Merit-based Incentive Payment System" - which streamlines into one payment program  Medicare Part B providers to a performance-based payment system which were formerly found in three different programs.

    If a physician treating Medicare Part B patients did not participate in MIPS, their reimbursements are subject to a decreased rate.

    An easy to use publicly available tool to find physician MIPS scores can be found here.

  • 27 Aug 2019 9:51 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Beginner CME for MOC: Ask Your Questions Webinar,

    September 24, 2019
    2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (CT)

    This interactive webinar is for those that have not yet offered CME for MOC or have just offered a couple of activities. Bring your questions about planning or reporting CME that Counts for MOC to ACCME staff for answers and guidance. To register for this webinar, please click on this link.

  • 20 Aug 2019 3:50 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The following information is being shared from the ACCME's web site at

    ACCME 2020 Meeting

    May 6-8, 2020
    Pre-conference sessions on May 5

    Hilton Chicago
    720 S Michigan Ave
    Chicago, IL 60605

    Call for Proposals

    The ACCME 2020 Meeting Call for Proposals is now open and ready for your submissions!

    We want to hear from you during the ACCME 2020 Meeting! Share how your CME Program is transforming care with your colleagues at the meeting. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm CT, Friday, September 13, 2019. Proposals will be accepted in the following three (3) categories:

    1. Share Your CME Story – You have a CME story to share! How are you changing practice and healthcare through accredited CME? What challenges have you overcome? What have you learned? What inspires you and brings meaning to your work as an educator? Selected CME Stories will be shared in the meeting app for review and engagement by other ACCME 2020 participants. The stories that have the most engagement during the meeting will receive special recognition at the meeting.

      Click here to submit one or more CME Stories

    2. Inspire & Teach: Propose a Session – Share your expertise and experience as an educational leader. Submit your proposal for an educational session and help to improve the skills and performance of your colleagues. Selected proposals will be featured as breakout sessions at the ACCME 2020 Meeting. Additionally, session facilitators (up to two per session) will receive a 30% discount on meeting registration.

      Click here to submit your proposed breakout session.

    3. CME Effectiveness & Best Practices: Engaging in CME Research – Share your scholarship! What makes CME effective or ineffective in catalyzing learner change and healthcare improvement? Help mentor your colleagues as we pursue together critical questions about improving CME. Selected research project submissions will display a poster of their work throughout the ACCME 2020 Meeting and will present a short oral summary of their project during a Research Exchange session. The primary author for each selected proposal will receive a 20% discount on registration for the ACCME 2020 Meeting.

      Click here to submit your CME research project.

    You are welcome to submit multiple proposals in any or all of the above categories.

    Call for Proposals Resources

    • Download this Information Sheet with the rules and details for submission.
    • Listen to a recording of the July 10th Informational Webinar, which includes some helpful tips from colleagues who had submissions selected for the ACCME 2019 Meeting.
    • If you need further assistance, contact

    In Person



  • 19 Aug 2019 9:04 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    CME Outfitters, a leading international provider for continuing medical education and member of NAMEC, is offering a free continuing medical education course entitled “Championing Change: Addressing Addiction in our Communities.” 

    This course is a partnership between CME Outfitters and renowned addiction psychiatrist Dr. Mark Gold as well as Addiction Policy Forum founder and president Jessica Hulsey Nickel.

    You can read more about this partnership at the following news release.

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